Vaccination Information

Second only to clean drinking water, vaccinations are one of the most effective ways to protect the public against a variety of infectious diseases.  The World Health Organisation estimates that 3 million lives are saved every year worldwide through immunisation.  The vaccination programmes detailed below are offered in school by the School Nursing Service who will provide information to you prior to the programme being delivered, along with a consent form that will need to be signed by a parent/guardian and returned to the school. The School Nurse will also attend at school to speak to the pupils to ensure they are informed about the vaccination that they are due to receive.

  • HPV Vaccine – for girls in year 8.  For further information about this vaccine click here
  • Tetanus, Diphtheria, Polio (3 in 1 teenage booster) – for girls and boys in year 9.  For further information about this vaccine click here
  • MenACWY – for girls and boys in year 9 (given at the same time as the Tetanus, Diphtheria, Polio vaccination).  For further information about this vaccine click here
  • MMR information Click here 


For information about other routine vaccinations click here

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